Access: Rise Of The Conquerors Conference Recordings

Revelation Symbolism Revealed: Unlocking The True Hidden Meanings Of The Most Misunderstood Book Of The Bible....!

Join Us On A 9-Session Journey Through The Book Of Revelation And Get 1 Month Free Access to Revelation Academy!

Prepare Yourself To Come ALIVE!

And Detox Yourself From Everything You Have Ever Learned About The Book Of Revelation!

Wake Up To The Truth That Is In Jesus Christ!

It's not an end-time message, it's not a rapture message, but it's something powerful. This is the message of the revelation of Jesus Christ - the incredible work He did on the cross and how it applies to your life!

What You Will Learn In The

Rise Of The Conquerors Conference

You're about to realize that everything written in this book is to empower you to overcome all things in Christ and inherit the fullness of God here and now!

Session 1: The Unveiling

Session 1 is about understanding the only message of the Book of Revelation: Jesus Christ as the Word of God. The book starts by Him working in the midst of the 7 Lampstands (the Church), through the 7 Spirit, to help her overcome all things and be prepared as the glorious city, here and now, so that all nations can enter into her light and be saved. The concept of servants, fellow-servants, the angels, are covered in this session.

Session 2: The Throne Room

Session 2 is where you'll see a clear picture of manifest sonship which is your calling. The Throne is the realm of the Most Holy Place. It is beyond the Church-realm where there's a mixture of both truth and error. The Heavenly Call of the Father over the Sons is "Come Up Here". Only this realm unveils the "ways" of God which means once we understand the Throne, we'll also have a spiritual insight to every scene of "activities" in the bowls, seals and trumpets.

Session 3: The Scroll

Session 3 helps to understand what the Scroll is because every event in the Book of Revelation starts AFTER the Scroll is taken by the Lamb. When God shows what He has done through the Lamb in the opening of the 7 seals, you'll hear the voice of the 7 trumpets, and overcome through the 7 bowls. This is the manifold wisdom of God, which was hidden, but now is made manifest through the Cross of Christ.

Session 4: Babylon & The Beasts

Session 4 is all about the mystery of the adamic wisdom. In contrast to the Mystery of Christ, there's another mystery called the Mystery of Lawlessness. The two mysteries unveil the nature of the two men: the First Man, Adam, and the Second Man, Christ. This is where we get to see what's the dealing of God with beasts and how the Lord Jesus graciously is taking the church out of the wisdom of the serpent.

Session 5: The Lake Of Fire

Session 5 is about dealing of God with mankind in cleansing them from all unrighteousness of Adam. There's no picture in the entire Bible that is interpreted so wrong as the ending chapters of the Book of Revelation. The Lake of Fire is often interpreted as hell, a place of eternal torment for those who don't believe in Jesus. But this session unpacks the precious loving work of the Father that so diligently removes every dark spot from human darkened understanding.

Session 6: The New Jerusalem

Session 6 is unveiling of the bride of the Lamb, the heavenly city of God. The Book of Revelation ends by several scenes that show the end product of the in-working of the 7 Spirits of the Lamb. This is where we see a City with the beauty of a Bride. The Glory of this City was described by Paul in His epistles, revealing the the true interpretation of the Old Testament scriptures concerning the City of God. It is where the 7 churches have given their place to ONE Body who is manifesting the Glory of her Bridegroom!

Revolutionize Your Faith By...

Discovering The Secrets Of God's Transformative Work In The Book Of Revelation And Experience Its Life-Changing Power For Yourself!

The book of Revelation is all about God's amazing grace, love, and power in your life. It's about discovering the truth of who Jesus is and what He has done for you. When you understand the revelation of Jesus Christ, your life will be forever transformed. So let go of any preconceived notions and open yourself up to the incredible possibilities that this book holds. The power of God's work on the cross can change everything for you. It's time to embrace the message that is truly life-changing and discover the amazing things that God has in store for you!

Here's Exactly What You'll Get...

Get Access & Receive The Following:

  • Unlimited Access To "Rise Of The Conquerors" Conference Video Recordings: Watch All Teachings Whenever You Want And As Many Times As You Need (Total Of 6 Sessions ) [Value $997]
  • Unlimited Access To Conference "VIP Backstage Q&A" Sessions: Watch All VIP Backstage Q&A Sessions And Deepen Your Understanding (Total Of 3 Sessions) [Value $497]
  • Transcript Of All 6 Sessions: Read Through The Teachings With Transcripts Of All Sessions [Value $97]
  • Download The Audio Files Of All Teachings: Download The Audio Files And Listen Wherever You Are [Value $97]

Total Value $1788

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With over 25 hours of transformative content, this Conference reveals the empowering revelations of the Christ in you and the fascinating work of God through the Cross revealed in your live. [Value $97]


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Get Life-Time Access To Overcomers Conference (One Time Fee)

With over 25 hours of transformative content, this Conference reveals the empowering revelations of the Christ in you and the fascinating work of God through the Cross revealed in your live. [Value $97]

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Get Life-Time Access To Overcomers Conference (One Time Fee)

With over 25 hours of transformative content, this Conference reveals the empowering revelations of the Christ in you and the fascinating work of God through the Cross revealed in your live. [Value $97]


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Read What Was Happening During The Conference

The following testimonials showcase a few of the life transformations experienced by conference attendees. (To protect their privacy, we have hidden their names and included only screenshots of their comments.)

Get Ready For An Incredible Journey Because...

You Are Just One Step Away From A Truly Life-Transforming Experience!

Hey there,

It's so great to connect with you all! We wanted to share some amazing news from one of our past events. We hosted a live conference where we dove into the Book of Revelation and it was absolutely life-changing! We continued to receive stories of transformation from attendees many days after the conference was over!

We truly believe in the power of Jesus Christ and when His truth is shared, revealed and understood, amazing things happen.

One of our attendees experienced a powerful moment during the conference and we just had to share it with you! She felt a strength within her that made her feel like she could move buildings and even received deliverance! She left feeling refreshed, happy and blessed.

We're thrilled to offer these teachings to you so you can experience the same life-changing power. When you discover Jesus Christ in the Book of Revelation, His resurrection and His ascension, you'll find the strength to overcome any obstacle.

​We can't wait for you to join us and experience the unforgettable. See you inside!

Rose & Masoud

In Case You Have Similar Questions...

How long are each sessions of the conference?

Each session in the Rise of The Conquerors conference is about 2 hours.

Will I have life-time access to videos?

Yes! You will have unlimited access to all teachings and backstage sessions of the Rise of The Conquerors conference.

Is the conference LIVE?

No! The conference teachings were recorded LIVE and now the replay is made available for you to watch.

I still have questions, how should I contact you?

Feel free to email us at if you have any questions.


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Perfected By Blood is a Christian Ministry that helps everyone to grow in the knowledge of Christ and experience a transformed life in Him. We make no claims or representation that by using Perfected By Blood courses or materials you will experience change in your life. This video presentation and the testimonials are hereby used for educational and exemplary purposes only, they are not intended to incite results. While they may show real experiences from students, their results are not typical, and your experience will vary based upon the effort and education of your own.